There are amazing antiques and furniture that are timeless and lure people for possession, which is why many furniture companies across Glasgow together organizes furniture auctions at regular intervals. The Glasgow industry of furniture and decor has been one of the most prominent locations for these auctions where not just furniture companies but even individuals can come and exhibit their quality products from human sculptures, vintage chest of drawers to, life size paintings.
Furniture Auctions
We have found 4 items matching your search.

Lyon & Turnbull
182 Bath Street, Glasgow, Glasgow City, G2 4HG, United Kingdom
Sell off your old antique pieces through the furniture auctions at Lyon & Turnbull and earn a fortune. If you have old post war art pieces at your home or silver or gold heirloom jewellery, then you can meet their specialists and get th ...

Mc Tears Auctions
31 Meiklewood Road, Glasgow, Glasgow City, G51 4DW, United Kingdom
If you have not yet participated in the auction of Mc Tears, then you must once visit it in Glasgow. Starting from rare and collectable whisky, wines, jewellery, watches, coins, and furniture – their auctions include everything which can ...

Mulberry Bank Auctions
26A Saint Vincent Crescent, Glasgow, Glasgow City, G3 8LQ, United Kingdom
With 60 years of experience in furniture auctions, Mulberry Bank Auctions is the ideal place to buy antique furnishings and fine art pieces at the best prices. They have experienced staffs who can set the right price for your valuables that ...

Great Western Auction
1291 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, Glasgow City, G14 9UY, United Kingdom
Great Western Auction is a great place to sell your furniture and get the best price in exchange. If you visit their furniture auctions, you will get a chance to know the value of your goods which you are looking to sell off. They are one o ...